Too rosy a future for a species known to screw things up. I recall the same upbeat visionary when nuclear power was discovered. That didn't age well.
AI at the moment is still weak, only able to pattern match and regurgitate what humans have created before. I support AI-generated image and consider it art. Art is good, because it stays within its boundary. No matter how provocative it is, we know to view it with a pinch of salt.
AI-generated text, on the other hand, escapes the boundary of art. It has become so good, so terrifyingly good that it can impact reality. Yet, its text is completely devoid of purpose and morality. It just bullshits, bullshits, and bullshits. Weak and stupid as we are, if someone nudges the bullshit in a particular way, we will be swayed. And God knows what will happen next.
AI-generated content is chaotic neutral. It's a bull in a china shop. Powerful yet purposeless. If the china is fake, as in the context of art, there is no harm. Let the bull run free and smash things. But if the china is real, as in our social fabric, I don't think it is a good idea to even have the bull out in the first place.