To me, the one and only thing that is bizarre in US is the bailout. For a country so entrenched in the idea of capitalism, why would it also be in favor of bailing out failed businesses? Isn't letting failed business fail, either due to changed market or poor management, the essence of capitalism (if you don't agree with this, listen to Ron Swanson's argument against Congresswoman Knope's plan to prop up failed business)?
If the US continuously use middle and low income people's money to pay the debt of the bad gambles or incompetence of rich people, is that not socialism to the rich?
Like this article has pointed out, US has capitalism to the poor (if you don't have $1000 to pay for health care, you deserve to die or go bankrupt), but socialism to the rich (if you miscalculate the housing market and lose $1 billion, that's fine, the government will help you out). I cannot fathom an even weirder, more hypocritical system in the world.
At the end of the day, I don't even care what -ism US runs on, but just have some damn consistency. If we love capitalism so much, why don't we go hardcore: a poor person is allowed to die because he cannot afford heath care, so should an ultra-rich person be allowed to die if he fails his business and doesn't have money to see a doctor. Let's see what conclusion we will draw.